Recommended Products

At Small Campsites, we pride ourselves on our commitment to providing accurate and authentic reviews of the camping products we recommend. Wherever feasible, we personally test the products we feature. But as you might imagine, it's not always possible to physically test every single item.

Therefore, our testing procedure varies depending on the product. For some items, we may carry out a hands-on test, examining factors like durability, usability, and overall performance. However, for other products, where it may not be practical or feasible to conduct a physical test, we employ alternative methods.

In cases where we can't personally test a product, we turn to our extensive network of fellow campers and industry professionals. We ask for their direct feedback and experiences with the product in question. These trusted individuals have years of experience in the camping field and their insights are invaluable.

While we do our utmost to test each product, we believe it's equally important to acknowledge the shared experiences of the wider camping community. So, we don't just rely on our own assessments. We also collate and consider the reports and opinions of our trusted contacts, combining these with our own research and analysis to create balanced, comprehensive reviews.

We want to assure you that our recommendations aren't made lightly. Each product featured on Small Campsites has undergone rigorous scrutiny, be it through hands-on testing, community feedback, or detailed research, or often, a combination of all three.

By being transparent about our testing procedures, we hope to earn your trust and help you make the best possible buying decisions for your camping needs.